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Recordings available
How Difficult is it to Expand Nuclear Power in the World? (Column Series No.9)
United States Carbon Free Power Sector by 2035: Economics and Technology Propel Renewables
Foreword to the New Column Series / Evaluating Electricity Retail Liberalization (4 Sept)
Towards the Green Steel Market Formation: Issues and Conditions for the Use of the Mass Balance Method
【UPDATED】[OSW Map] Project Status (2 Aug.) / [Supply & Demand, Inter-regional Flows] April-May 2024 data added (17 July)
[JCI] 216 Japanese non-state actors call for an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5 ℃ goal
Recordings available (24 June)
[FULL ENGLISH VERSION available] Energy Transition Scenarios for Decarbonization: Based on 80% Renewables Electricity by 2035
Geopolitics and the New Energy Situation