RE-UsersJoint efforts with businesses/local governments/NGOs

23 April 2024

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute operates Renewable Energy Users Network (RE-Users) since 2018 to promote and accelerate renewable energy procurement among corporations in Japan. Core members of the network are the corporate green team; people from environmental management and energy procurement departments. Members receive information on latest global and domestic renewable trends in the form of monthly newsletters. Information exchange meetings are regularly held allowing members to be connected and share best pracitices by leading corporations as well as being informed on new laws and regulations related to energy procurement.

A wide range of companies from different sectors have joined RE-Users and the Institute not only works together with these organizations to drive renewable deployment, but also identifies barriers and proposes solutions by communicating closely with energy users, NGOs and the government.

RE-Users also collaborates with local governments and local companies and runs the RE-Users Regional Alliance, with the aim to disseminate information and promote renewable energy procurement throughout Japan.

To join RE-Users and for further information, contact us here.

RE Procurement Guidebook    Corporate PPA   RE-Users Summit Corporate Case Studies  RE-Users Regional Alliance  


Info-Pack Corporate PPA: Latest Trends in Japan (2024 Edition) (23 April 2024)
Guidebook Renewable Electricity Procurement Guidebook (2024 Edition) (22 January 2024)
Event RE-Users Summit 2023: Renewable Energy Procurement for Driving Decarbonization (14 June 2023)
Proposal Issues and Recommendations on Renewable Electricity Procurement: Corporate Voices for Decarbonization (7 June 2023)


RE100 Revised the Technical Criteria, Adding 15-year Commissioning Date Limit (26 October 2022)

Renewable Electricity Procurement Guidebook (Latest edition)

  • Renewable Electricity Procurement Guidebook (2024 Edition)
    22 January 2024

    The English edition focuses on renewable electricity procurement methods available in Japan (Chapter 3 of the Japanese edition) providing a comprehensive and updated guide for global corporations operating business in Japan.

Corporate PPA

  • [Information-Package]
    Corporate PPA: Latest Trends in Japan

    23 April 2024
    This information package puts together the latest trends of corporate PPAs in Japan. Typical contract structures for On-site, Physical and Virtual PPAs applicable in the Japanese electricity systems are presented. The features, benefits and issues of each type of contract are summarized in addition to cost comparisons with regular tariffs.

RE-Users Summit

The RE-Users Summit is the annual event of RE-Users and speakers from companies and organizations that promote the use of renewable energy are invited to introduce best practices, discuss policy and market trends and share knowledge on renewable energy procurement.
Click here to view past events.


Corporate Case Studies

Corporate Case Study is a series of columns that provide specific coverage of the efforts and activities of companies in Japan that are shifting  towards renewable energy sources to meet their decarbonization goals. The reports are available in two versions: a summary version on our website and a full PDF version that reports in detail how these companies are incorporating clean energy solutions in their businesses (available in Japanese only).

RE-Users Regional Alliance

Renewable Energy Institute provides information on renewable energy procurement and deployment by organizing seminars with local businesses, local governments and NGOs. From 2019 to 2022, the Institute, in collaboration with CDP Worldwide-Japan (CDP Japan), led the RE-Users Regional Alliance, which aimed to disseminate information on procuring renewable energy and share best practices in local regions across Japan.

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External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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