[Analysis Report] Japan's Offshore Wind Power PotentialTerritorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone

19 December 2023

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute released "Japan's Offshore Wind Power Potential: Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone” (originally published in Japanese on 28 November).

In order to make concrete projections of offshore wind power growth in Japan, this report provides estimates of the offshore wind energy potential based on calculations of wind speed and water depth conditions only, for those sea areas where both data are available. Areas where feasibility was assumed to be difficult, such as areas with water depths exceeding 1,000 m along the submarine cable installation route, have been excluded. The report presents the findings for wind power potential for all of Japan, by 10 regional areas and by prefecture in the sea areas including territorial waters and EEZs.

Japan's Offshore Wind Power Potential
Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone

Japan's Offshore Wind Potential: Calculation conditions and results
FOW potential: By 10 regional areas
FOW potential: By prefecture

■Analysis results of all cases
1.  Potential and notes
2.  Japan’s potential
3.  Potential for 10 regional areas 
4.  Potential by prefecture (territorial sea only)
5.  Wind maps (water depth less than 200m) and transmission lines
6.  Capacity factor [%] and annual electricity generation [TWh]
7.  Assumptions for potential calculation

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  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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