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  • Renewable Energy

Massive Expansion of RE Not Incompatible with Reduction of Fossil and Nuclear Power

16 March 2018

in Japanese

Massive Expansion of RE Not Incompatible with Reduction of Fossil and Nuclear Power

Between 2000 and 2017 the European Union (EU) added 291 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy (RE) power capacity, out of which 92% from wind and solar. At the same time the EU slightly reduced its fossil and nuclear power capacity; -2GW, and that despite adding 97GW of gas power capacity. That is because RE expansion in the EU is taking place at the expense of the most polluting and dangerous coal, oil, and nuclear power, which capacity significantly decreased by -41GW, -40GW, and -17GW, respectively, since the beginning of the century.

Net electricity installations in the EU from 2000 to 2017

These developments show that massively deploying wind and solar is not incompatible with reducing fossil and nuclear power, i.e. adding capacity from new variable RE do not require at all adding the same amount of conventional capacity to keep the system balanced.

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