RE to Meet 36% of Germany's Electricity Consumption in 2017
According to data from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen (AGEB) released on 21 December 2017, renewable energy (RE) was to meet a record 36. 1% of Germany’s electricity consumption in 2017 (Chart). The share of RE increased by 4.5 percentage points from 2016. This is the result of continuous efforts in deploying wind power, both on- and off- shore, solar photovoltaic (PV), and bioenergy.
The share of RE in electricity generation also reached a record; 33.1%. The difference between the share of RE in electricity consumption and generation lies in the fact that Germany is a large - the largest in Europe - net exporter of electricity (54TWh in 2017). RE share in electricity generation is now (1) only less than 4 percentage points that of coal (37.0%), which reached a record low since the beginning of the century, and (2) almost 3 times that of nuclear (11.6%). The rest is gas (13.1%) and others (5.1%) including oil.