Renewable Energy: The Top-Priority for Southeast Asia to Fully Blossom

5 September 2023

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute today released the report "Renewable Energy: The Top-Priority for Southeast Asia to Fully Blossom.

The Japanese government has set up the "Asian Zero Emission Community" (AZEC) as one of the pillars of its GX strategy and is trying to export Japanese energy policies, such as coal-based ammonia co-firing, to Southeast Asian countries. Is the government's explanation that "Southeast Asia lacks renewable energy resources and that it is unrealistic to shift away from fossil fuels" based on facts?   As a matter of fact, Southeast Asia has a huge renewable energy potential, 40 to 50 times the current total electricity generation of the region.

This report addresses four major challenges impeding renewable energy accelerated growth in Southeast Asia.  We hope this report will contribute to discussions on how Japan and ASEAN can work together to realize a sustainable future.


Chapter 1: The Great Renewable Energy Opportunity
1) Overview of renewable energy deployment
2) Abundant, largely untapped renewable energy potential
3) Renewable energy cost competitive against coal and gas
4) Towards high shares of renewable energy 
5) Global leadership in solar photovoltaic manufacturing capacity 
Chapter 2: The Four Challenges to Accelerate Renewable Energy Growth
1) Weak medium-term decarbonization policies
2) Coal power lock-in 
3) Incomplete electricity system reform
4) International electrical grid expansion 

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