Information-Package Corporate PPA: Latest Trends in Japan (2023 Edition)

1 August 2023

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute published a new information package “Corporate PPA: Latest Trends in Japan (2023 Edition)”.

Corporate PPAs are becoming popular in Japan to procure renewable electricity with additionality for business and industrial use. Under the current circumstances where fossil fuel prices soar while decarbonizing business is required, the benefits of corporate PPAs are recognized from both economic and environmental perspectives.

This information package puts together the latest trends of corporate PPAs in Japan as of July in 2023. Typical contract structures for on-site, off-site physical and virtual PPAs applicable in the Japanese electricity systems are presented. The features, benefits, and issues of each type of contract are summarized in addition to the latest cost analysis and comparisons with regular tariffs.

1.Contract Structures  
  ・On-site PPA  
  ・Physical PPA  
  ・Virtual PPA
2.Cost Comparisons
3.Latest Projects
4.Issues & Solutions

External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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