Renewable Energy Institute releases today "Renewables to Strengthen Energy Security in Europe and Japan".
On February 24, 2022, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia rightly raised serious concerns about energy security worldwide. This report, primarily focusing on energy supply, aims at shining a light on energy security related issues which should be relevant to European and Japanese stakeholders as they face decisive energy and climate crises.
Europe and Japan’s unsustainable economic and geopolitical reliance on fossil fuel and uranium imports making them vulnerable to overseas fuel price fluctuations and supply disruptions is presented. Accelerating cost competitive renewable energy electricity based on abundant domestic renewable resources is recommended. The new power supply plans of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan – all granting essential role to renewable energy electricity, but to different extents – are assessed. Finally, the challenges (i.e., flexibility and geographical concentrations of critical minerals & of clean energy technologies manufacturing capacity) and solutions (e.g., demand response, interconnections, batteries, recycling…) for an energy security based on renewable energy electricity are highlighted.
By sharing these insights Renewable Energy Institute works towards inspiring Japanese decision makers who need to catch up with their European peers by advancing renewable energy electricity as THE supply side solution to strengthen the country’s energy security.
<Table of Contents>
Chapter 1: Reliance on Imported Fossil Fuels Makes Europe and Japan Vulnerable
1) Dependance on Fossil Fuel Imports Severely Weakens Europe and Japan’s Economies
2) Problematic Geopolitical Dependence on Fossil Fuel Imports from Africa, the Middle East, and Russia
Chapter 2: Strengthening Energy Security by Accelerating Renewable Energy Electricity
1) Renewable Energy Electricity: Key for Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality
2) Key Points of the Three Main Types of New Power Supply Plans in Europe and Japan
Chapter 3: Challenges and Solutions for an Energy Security based on Renewable Energy Electricity
1) Improving Demand and Supply Flexibility
2) Managing Geographical Concentrations of Critical Minerals & of Clean Energy Technologies Manufacturing Capacity