Southeast Asia’s electricity consumption is increasing quickly, driven by demographic and economic growths, as well as progress in electricity access. On the supply side, since 2000, coal power has expanded most – eventually becoming the region’s main source for electricity generation in 2017 – with tangible damaging impacts on the environment. This unsustainable development pathway can therefore not be continued anymore. As replacement, renewable energy, which potential remains largely untapped, is clearly the identified pragmatic solution moving forward, starting immediately.
This report explains the current status of renewable energy deployment in Southeast Asia’s power sector, discusses future prospects, and points out obstacles to overcome for their massive expansion in the region. It also highlights how Japan – a historical long-term trade partner of Southeast Asian countries – could by adopting a forward-thinking stance become a powerful ally to participate in the development of a sustainable bright future in the region.
With this report, Renewable Energy Institute encourages decision makers in Japan, particularly from public policymaking organizations and private businesses, to take part with really ambitious and progressive approaches in Southeast Asia’s energy transition.
<Table of Contents>
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Key Energy Related Developments in Southeast Asia since 2000
1. Background; demography, economy, energy, and environment
2. Power sector developments
Chapter 2: Strategies for Renewable Energy to Outcompete Coal Power
1. Renewable energy largely untapped potential
2. Facing hindering obstacles
Chapter 3: Japan-Southeast Asia Trade Relationships with a Focus on the Power Sector
1. Revisiting historical trade relationships
2. A new era