The Asia International Grid Connection Study Group* has released today the "Asia International Grid Connection Study Group Second Report,” an initiative for realizing international grid interconnections in Asia including Japan.
Following the interim report released last year, the study has further examined specific route designs and investment cost and revenue calculations for grid interconnections between Japan and South Korea, and between Japan and Russia. The report is the first of its kind to publish such estimations.
Renewable Energy Institute hopes that this report will advance lively debates and concrete discussions on the realization of international grid interconnections in Northeast Asia.
* The Asia International Grid Connection Study Group was formed in July 2016 and consists of experts in electrical grid, energy policies and renewable energy from academics, business and research related fields. The Secretariat office function is undertaken by Renewable Energy Institute.
Asia International Grid Connection Study Group Second Report
Summary of Asia International Grid Connection Study Group Second Report
Chapter 1: Recent Developments in International Grid Connections and Electricity System Reform
Chapter 2: Initiatives in North America for International Grid Connections
Chapter 3: Interconnections between Japan and Russia and between Japan and South Korea: Possible Routes and Costs
Chapter 4: Interconnector Business Models, Social Benefits, and Legal Frameworks
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