Webinar Renewable and Decarbonization Future in the USThe Plan and Status

7 December 2021

in Japanese

Since the Biden administration took office in January this year, the US has been rapidly strengthening its climate policies calling for an emissions-free power sector by 2035. However, the share of electricity from renewable sources is still only 21% today, which is about the same as Japan. How can the US meet its goals and achieve a decarbonized future? Two US energy experts spoke on the latest status of the energy transition in the US and strategies for the future. 


Keynote 1
Transitioning the U.S., Japan, and the World to 100% Clean, Renewable Energy for All Purposes as Fast as Possible

Mark Z. Jacobson  Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University  DL

Keynote 2
US Progress Towards 100% Clean Electricity by 2035, Starting with Coal Phase Out

Bruce Nilles  Executive Director, Climate Imperative  DL

Panel Discussion
[Moderator]  Mika Ohbayashi  Director, Renewable Energy Institute
Mark Z. Jacobson  Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
Bruce Nilles  Climate Imperative
Teruyuki Ohno  Executive Director, Renewable Energy Institute

Event Details

Date / Time Tuesday 7 December 2021 / 9:30 - 11:30 (JST)
Webcasted via Zoom
Organized by Renewable Energy Institute
Admission Free (prior registration required) 


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