Speakers Profile Power Market Restructuring for Renewables Integration

27 January 2020

in Japanese

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  • Matthew Wittenstein
    Energy Analyst (Former at Gas Coal Electricity Market, International Energy Agency)
    Matthew Wittensteinis an independent power market economic consultant based in Paris. His professional practice focuses on power system regulation, power market design, and cross-border power system integration.

    Prior to this, Matthew was a Senior Electricity Analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA), where he led the Electricity Security Action Plan and the Electricity Security Across Borders work programme. Before that, he was a Fellow in the US Department of Energy’s office of International Affairs, where he supported the Clean Energy Ministerial and helped develop the 21stCentury Power Partnership. In these roles, he has worked with and advised government agencies, regulators, and utilities in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East on a range of topics, including energy and capacity market design, renewables integration, and the development of regional power markets.

    Matthew has written, co-authored, and contributed chapters to a number of publications, including the IEA’s flagship publicationon power market design, Re-powering Markets, and, most recently, a study on establishing multilateral power trading in Southeast Asia. He holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University with a specialty in international economic policy.
  • Takahiro Shimomura
    Director, Electricity Industry and Market Office, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

    Takahiro Shimomura joined the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2003. After undertaking various posts including that of General Secretariat for the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), he was appointed to the Embassy of Japan in Vietnam in 2010. Following his return to Japan in 2013, he took up a position at the Electricity and Gas Market Reform Office in order to tackle electricity and gas system reform for the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. In 2015, he was appointed Deputy Secretary General for the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, JAPAN (OCCTO) and was in charge of general affairs. He was appointed the Secretariat of the Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission in 2017 and took up his current position in 2018.
  • Mika Ohbayashi
    Director, Renewable Energy Institute
    Mika Ohbayashi is a founding member and Director at Renewable Energy Institute since 2011. Before joining the Institute, Ohbayashi worked for International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi as Policy and Project Regional Manager for Asia Oceania. She served as Deputy Director at Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies for 8 years since its establishment in 2000. She also worked for UKFCO at the British Embassy to Japan, as Advisor for Climate Change Projects and Policies before joining IRENA, and started her carrier in the energy field by joining Citizens' Nuclear Information Center in 1992. She coordinates many scientific study projects, takes leadership to team up various networks including national parliamentarians and local authorities, domestically and internationally to improve sustainable energy society. She was awarded the Global Leadership Award in Advancing Solar Energy Policy by the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) in 2017.

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