Symposium with Kyushu University Electricity System Transition for a Renewable-Powered Future

25 November 2019

in Japanese

The installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) has expanded in Kyushu area, where the maximum instantaneous output of solar PV reached more than 90% of electricity demand in spring 2018 around noon. Solar PV and wind outputs have been partially curtailed to keep balance of supply and demand. What are the challenges for the further efficient use of renewable energy? How can we address them?

In this symposium, experts from Germany, Sweden and the United States will be invited to discuss national initiatives and future prospects for the realization of a future shaped by renewable energy.  How to turn to a renewable-powered future will be explored through these discussions.

※ Japanese-English simultaneous translation provided.

Event Details

Date & Time Monday 25 November 2019  13:30~16:30 (doors open at 13:00)
Venue ACROS Fukuoka, International Conference Hall(Fukuoka, Japan) Access
Organizers Kyushu University Platform of Inter/Transdisciplinary Energy Research
Renewable Energy Institute
Admission  Free (prior registration required) Register Here
※Please send us your name, affiliation and your contact email address through the above link (sent to Kyushu University)

Program  *as of 11 November.  Program and speakers are subject to change.  Simultaineous Japanese - English translation provided.

Global Expansion of Renewable Energy
Tomas Kåberger, Chair of Executive Board, Renewable Energy Institute

Best Practices for Integrating Renewables: Power System Transformation Approaches
Douglas J. Arent, Deputy Associate Lab Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Session 1
The German Energy Transition Towards 2030 – Renewable Integration, Coal Phase-Out and Sector Coupling
Dimitri Pescia, Senior Associate, Agora Energiewende

Session 2
Management for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Integration
Hiroshi Wani, General manager, Transmission & System Operation Division, Kyushu Electric Power Co.

Panel Discussion
[Moderator]  Mika Ohbayashi, Director, Renewable Energy Institute
[Brief Introduction]  Tatsuya Wakeyama, Associate Professor, Kyushu University

Visit Kyushu University website (in Japanese)


External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
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