Statistics & Maps | RE Trends in Japan
- Solar PV
- Wind
- Bioenergy
- Hydro
- Geothermal
in Japanese
1. Cumulative Installed Solar PV Capacity in the World and in Selected Countries (GW)

2. Cumulative Installed Solar PV Capacity in Japan and by Distribution Area (GW)

3. Solar PV Electricity Generation in Japan and by Distribution Area (TWh)

in Japanese
1. Cumulative Installed Wind Capacity in the World and in Selected Countries (GW)

2. Cumulative Installed Wind Capacity in Japan and by Distribution Area (GW)

3. Wind Electricity Generation in Japan and by Distribution Area (TWh)

in Japanese
1. Cumulative Installed Bioenergy Capacity in the World and in Selected Countries (GW)

2. Cumulative Installed Bioenergy Capacity in Japan and by Distribution Area (GW)

3. Bioenergy Electricity Generation in Japan and by Distribution Area (TWh)

in Japanese
1. Cumulative Installed Hydropower Capacity in the World and in Selected Countries (GW)

2. Cumulative Installed Hydropower Capacity in Japan and by Distribution Area (GW)

3. Hydro Electricity Generation in Japan and by Distribution Area (TWh)

in Japanese
1. Cumulative Installed Geothermal Capacity in the World and in Selected Countries (GW)

2. Cumulative Installed Geothermal Capacity in Japan and by Distribution Area (GW)

3. Geothermal Electricity Generation in Japan and by Distribution Area (TWh)

- Solar PV
- Wind
- Bioenergy
- Hydro
- Geothermal