Presentation Session
Recommendation for the “Basic Energy Plan”: Towards New Growth without Nuclear Power

Japan is at the crossroad of choosing basic energy policies for society. The Strategic Policy Committee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resource and Energy, an advisory body of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, is discussing the new “Basic Energy Plan” and attempting to conclude it by the end of 2013. However, it has not been able to present any new energy policy direction to revive Japan’s economy.

Japan Renewable Energy Foundation has put together five recommendations for the new “Basic Energy Plan,” and will announce and explain them to the public on the following occasion.

We would appreciate your kind participation.

Date and Time :

Friday, 6 December 2013, 1:30 pm–4:00 pm (Gate opens at 1:00 pm)

Venue :

East Wing B1, Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall, International House of Japan
5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Organizer :

Japan Renewable Energy Foundation

Admission :

Free (Prior registration required)
※English–Japanese interpretation available

Five Recommendations

  • 1 Japan should decide on “zero nuclear power,” avoid the accumulation of a ‘negative legacy,’ and accelerate investments in safer energy sources
  • 2 Expanding renewables will lead to 19 trillion yen in investments -- both businesses and local economies will benefit
  • 3 Energy savings, efficiency, high-efficient gas-fired generation and expanding renewables are the only ways to reduce present and future fuel costs
  • 4 From “nuclear power + coal” to “renewables + natural gas,” resulting in increased self-sufficiency and reduced carbon-dioxide emissions
  • 5 A shift to distributed power systems will create a demand-side driven energy autonomous society


  • Tomas Kaberger, Executive Board Chair, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
  • Teruyuki Ohno, Executive Director, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
  • Mika Ohbayashi, Director, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
  • Keiji Kimura, Shuta Mano, and Tatsuya Wakeyama, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation Research Team

For more information, please contact us:

Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
TEL: 03-6895-1020 / FAX: 03-6895-1021
E-mail: conference※ (Please change ※ into @)

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