Teruyuki Ohno Appointed as
Member of Seoul International Energy Advisory Council
17 November 2015
Teruyuki Ohno, Executive Director of Japan Renewable Energy Foundation, has been appointed as Member of Seoul International Energy Advisory Council (SIEAC) by Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon.
The Council was established in November 2013 in order to offer advice to the energy policies of Seoul Metropolitan Government, consisting of 12 international experts including Amory Lovins, Walt Patterson, and Mycle Schneider.
The inaugural ceremony was held at Seoul City Hall on 11 November 2015, during which Mayor Park said, "I have high expectation that Mr. Ohno’s experience will contribute to the policies in Seoul, having dealt with energy policies in Tokyo, a similar metropolitan city."
Ever since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Seoul Metropolitan Government has carried a sustainable energy action plan called "One less nuclear power plant," reducing the reliance on nuclear power and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy expansion along with public participation. Seoul City achieved this goal at the end of 2014, and has now moved to a second phase to replace 2 nuclear power plants.
Upon inauguration, Mr. Ohno said, "Being large energy consumers, metropolitan cities should assume fundamental roles in avoiding climate change crisis. With my experience on metropolitan energy policies, and as the Executive Director of Japan Renewable Energy Foundation promoting the energy transition in Japan, I would like to contribute to the promotion of the innovative efforts of Seoul Metropolitan Government."
* For further information on the "One Less Nuclear Power Plant" please click here.
From right to left, Mycle Schneider, Teruyuki Ohno, Mayor Park Won-soon, and Walt Patterson
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Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
TEL:03-6895-1020 / FAX: 03-6895-1021
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