Our Condolences for Mr. Sakamoto’s Passing Away

3 April 2023

in Japanese

Mr. Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away. All of us at Renewable Energy Institute express our deepest condolences. Mr. Sakamoto has supported the institute since its inception and was also one of our Council Members.

He had recovered from a previous illness, so we did not doubt that we would be able to see him in good health again.

Mr. Sakamoto was, of course, a world-renowned musician. Still, he was also a courageous global citizen deeply concerned about environmental issues and struggled to make the world a better place.

Renewable Energy Institute is honoured to have been a small piece of his broad and significant activities.

With Mr. Sakamoto's aspirations, Renewable Energy Institute continues to work to build a society based on renewable energy, where people can live with peace of mind.

Thank you very much, Mr Sakamoto.

<Contributed Column by our Council Member Ryuichi Sakamoto>
Re-creating Our Cities after the Coronavirus Crisis (27 July 2020)

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