Renewable Energy Institute Collaborates in an Offshore Wind Energy Project by the European Commission

11 October 2022

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute recently collaborated with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on a study commissioned by the European Commission on offshore wind.

The study points out the challenges in Japan's offshore wind rules regarding technical standards and certification in comparing the European experiences, and suggests how Japan could benefit from EU best practice. It shows that Japan should ideally take measures to streamline and simplify the requirements to align with the internationally-standardized practice. 

【Full report】 (external link)
Sectoral Study: Standards, technical regulation and conformity assessment in the Japanese and European offshore wind power market:
current implementation and best practices
(July 2022)

【Press release】 (external link)
Japan: Japan could benefit from EU experiences as study points to challenges in its offshore wind rules (5 October 2022)

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