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Christine Lins
Christine Lins
Executive Secretary, REN21

Christine Lins was appointed as Executive Secretary of REN21, the Renewable Energy Policy Network of the 21st Century, in July 2011. REN21 is a global public-private multi-stakeholder network on renewable energy regrouping international organizations, governments, industry associations, science and academia as well as NGOs working in the field of renewable energy. REN21 has its headquarters at UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris/France.

Between 2001 and 2011, she served for 10 years as the Secretary General of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), the united voice of Europe’s renewable energy industry. Ms. Lins has more than 19 years of working experience in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Previously, she worked in a regional energy agency in Austria promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Ms. Lins holds a Masters degree in international economics and applied languages.

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