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Jose Etcheverry
Jose Etcheverry
Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Sustainable Energy Initiative, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

In June 2007 Jose Etcheverry joined the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University where he works as an Associate Professor conducting research, graduate training and undergraduate teaching on renewable energy and as Co-Chair of the Faculty’s Sustainable Energy Initiative.

His academic research is focused on renewable energy technology transfer, innovative training and knowledge mobilization techniques, climate change mitigation and sustainable energy policies.
Jose Etcheverry received his PhD and MA from the University of Toronto (both theses focused in renewable energy). Prior to joining York University he taught environmental policy at Simon Fraser University and the Center for Environment of the University of Toronto and worked as research and policy analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF), where he published research on renewable energy and on energy efficiency.

In 2006 he was appointed by Dr. Hermann Scheer to become one of the chairs of the World Council for Renewable Energy. In 2008 he was elected president of the Canadian Renewable Energy Alliance (and was re-elected as president in 2011).

Jose Etcheverry is a founding member of the International Renewable Energy Agency’s Learning Partnership and his organization helps hold every year the RETScreen International Training Institute.
Currently Jose Etcheverry is helping develop the Go 100% Renewable Energy Network , a new effort aimed at expanding the use of renewable energy worldwide.

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