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Bernard Chabot
Bernard Chabot
International Consultant and Trainer on Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Bernard Chabot has devoted his engineer and economist professional career to renewable energy and energy efficiency, first for five years in industry as head of the technical department of SOFRETES (French Solar and Thermal Energy Company), then as Head of the Solar Energy Department and Senior Expert at ADEME, the French Agency in charge of renewable energy and energy efficiency. He developed the dedicated “Profitability Index Method” to assess economic and financial profitability of sustainable energy projects and programs: renewables, energy efficiency, sustainable options of buildings and industrial process. He applied it in 2000 for the preliminary design and calculation of the French advanced wind power feed-in tariff (FIT) implemented in 2001. He gave advice on FITs for renewables in Ireland, Ontario and since 2008 as independent consultant and trainer in USA, Tunisia, Pakistan and Japan.He promotes this method and its application through many academic lectures in French and international Masters on energy and through professional training sessions on renewable energy technologies: wind power, photovoltaics, small hydropower, and combined heat and power production from biomass and biogas. As a founding member of the French “NegaWatt” NGO (, he participates to the related sustainable energy scenarios for France and developed the training session “ECO1” for sustainable energy projects economics at the French negaWatt Institute. He published many reference publications on renewables, on advanced FITs systems design and related economic analysis.

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