Renewable Electricity Procurement Guidebook2023 Edition

30 January 2023

in Japanese

Note: Chinese Edition added on 25 May 2023.

Renewable Energy Institute publishes “Renewable Electricity Procurement Guidebook” for corporate energy users in Japan since January 2018 and revises it with the latest information every year.

The 2023 edition details major procurement methods of renewable electricity from On-site Generation to Corporate PPAs, Green Products and Renewable Energy Certificates with the latest examples and information of cost and availability.  The information on corporate PPAs for on-site, physical and virtual is updated.  Key topics such as Non-fossil Certificates are also discussed.  In addition, requirements for renewable electricity are specifically presented including additionality criteria and rating method.

The English edition focuses on renewable electricity procurement methods available in Japan (Chapter 3 of the Japanese edition) providing a comprehensive and updated guide for global corporations operating business in Japan.

<Table of Contents> ( of the Japanese edition)  *The English edition covers chapter 3 (marked in bold letters below)

Chapter 1. Objective and Background of the Guidebook
Chapter 2. Basics of Renewable Electricity
Chapter 3. Renewable Electricity Procurement Methods *
 3-1. On-site Generation
 3-2. Corporate PPAs
 3-3. Green Products
 3-4. Renewable Energy Certificates
 3-5. Key Considerations in Procurement
 3-6. Requirements for Renewable Electricity

Chapter 4. Evaluation by CDP for Renewable Electricity
Chapter 5. Renewable Electricity Procurement outside Japan

External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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