Battery Storage to Efficiently Achieve Renewable Energy Integration

23 January 2023

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute releases today "Battery Storage to Efficiently Achieve Renewable Energy Integration".

The growths of solar and wind power are explosive. Since the outputs of these two technologies fluctuate depending on weather conditions, additional clean energy technologies should also be rapidly deployed to ensure the continuous quality of power supply.

Among these additional technologies, batteries are promising innovative solutions expanding particularly quickly. This is a decisive advantage given the urgency to accelerate efforts towards carbon neutrality and mitigate the negative impacts of the current global energy crisis.

The report first presents the role of battery storage in a solar and wind power future. It then focuses on their economic competitiveness, technological progress, and supporting policies. Finally, it covers the concentrations of critical minerals and manufacturing capacity.

<Table of Contents>
Chapter 1: Role of Battery Storage in a Solar and Wind Power Future
1)    Future Power Systems – Key Contribution from Batteries
2)    The Four Major Applications of Batteries
3)    Seven Illustrative Battery Projects
Chapter 2: Deployment Accelerates with Economic Competitiveness
1)    2021 Record Growth and Leading Markets
2)    Dramatic Cost Reduction and Competitiveness in the Power Sector
Chapter 3: Technological Progress and Improvements to Come
1)    Short-Duration Lithium-Ion Overwhelming Domination
2)    Long-Duration Energy Storage Lagging
Chapter 4: Supporting Policies
1)    Seven Powerful Possibilities to Further Accelerate Growth
2)    Target
3)    Mandate
4)    Investment Tax Credit
5)    Auction
6)    Market Design
7)    RE Certificate Multiplier
8)    Time-of-use discounted rate
Chapter 5: Concentrations of Critical Minerals & Manufacturing Capacity and Solutions
1)    Problematic Concentrations of Critical Minerals & Manufacturing Capacity
2)    Solutions from Europe, the United States and Japan

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