The Foundations Platform F20, which Renewable Energy Institute is a steering group member, today announces the release of a new report “Aligning G20 Infrastructure investment with Climate Goals and the 2030 Agenda,” to call upon the G20 heads of state today not to ignore the global climate crisis at the upcoming G20 summit in Osaka and instead to ensure all decisions are based on the premises of sustainable development.
【About F20】
The F20 platform is an unprecedented group of foundations and philanthropic organisations from different parts of the world, calling for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development, along positive transformation examples to provide pathways towards solutions of today’s most pressing challenges ? climate change and a just transition towards sustainable development, based on renewable energy. F20 builds bridges between civil society, the business and financial sectors, think tanks and politics ? within the G20 countries, between them and beyond.
The F20 platform is an unprecedented group of foundations and philanthropic organisations from different parts of the world, calling for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development, along positive transformation examples to provide pathways towards solutions of today’s most pressing challenges ? climate change and a just transition towards sustainable development, based on renewable energy. F20 builds bridges between civil society, the business and financial sectors, think tanks and politics ? within the G20 countries, between them and beyond.