- Amory B. Lovins
Cofounder, Chief Scientist and Chairman Emeritus,
Rocky Mountain Institutedt - For more than 4 decades, Amory B. Lovins has been advising about the nexus of energy, resources, environment, development, and security in more than 50 countries including the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense. He is widely considered among the world’s leading authorities on energy—especially its efficient use and sustainable supply—and a fertile innovator in integrative design. He has published more than 30 books and 470 papers, and won numerous awards including the Right Livelihood Award (the “Alternative Nobel”) , the Onassis Foundation’s first Delphi Prize (one of the world’s top environmental awards), the Nissan Prize, the Blue Planet Prize, and the Shingo Prize (Nobel –like prize in Manufacturing). In 2009, Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world, Foreign Policy and one of the 100 top global thinkers. His 31st book with a large RMI team, Reinventing Fire, published in autumn 2011, is a detailed roadmap for eliminating U.S. oil and coal use by 2050, led by business for profit.
- Amory B. Lovins
- Ali Izadi
Head of Japan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance - Ali oversees an analyst team focused on research and analysis of Japan’s energy sector. His prior experience includes working at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and the fuel cell manufacturer, Ballard Power Systems. Ali has an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics and a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and a Doctorate in Materials Science from Meijo University.
- Ali Izadi
- Douglas J. Arent
Executive Director, Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - Doug Arent is Executive Director of the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis at NREL. Arent is Sr. Visiting Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, serves on American Academy of Arts and Sciences Steering Committee on Social Science and the Alternative Energy Future; National Research Council Committee to Advise to USGCRP; Keystone Energy Board and Coordinating Lead Author for the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC.
Research interests are centered in energy and sustainability and has published on topics of clean energy, renewable energy, power systems, natural gas, and intersection of science and public policy. Arent has a Ph.D. from Princeton University, MBA from Regis University, a bachelor’s of science from Harvey Mudd College in California.
- Douglas J. Arent
- Li Junfeng
Director General of National Center for Climate
Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) - Mr. Li Junfeng is currently serving as the Director General of China’s National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation. Mr. Li has dedicated his 30-year career life to energy economy and energy environment studies. He was in charge of the structure and drafting of China’s Renewable Energy Law and China’s Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy Development. He also participated in the research and drafting of China’s Medium and Long-Term Science-Technology Development Program Outline, the Draft of China’s Energy Law, China’s National Climate Change Program, etc.
- Li Junfeng
- Jasmeet Khurana
Associate Director, Consulting,
BRIDGE TO INDIA Energy Private Limited - Jasmeet Khurana focuses on all aspects of the Indian solar market including analyzing policy, market trends, financing, business models and company strategies. He has worked on an extensive number of consulting assignments for prestigious private sector and institutional clients. Some of these clients include The World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Department for International Development (DFID) - UK Government, Climate Group, JA Solar, GE, Tata Power Solar, Bosch, GIZ, TCW, REN21, REC Solar, JETRO, IBC Solar, Mahanagar Gas, Sterling & Wilson, First Solar, Prayas Energy Group, kfW, Siemens and Omron.
Jasmeet holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering and a professional certification in Photovoltaics from Stanford University.
- Jasmeet Khurana
- Gevorg Sargsyan
Global Lead for Clean Energy, World Bank - Gevorg Sargsyan is currently the Global Lead for Clean Energy at the World Bank. He is responsible for renewable energy, energy efficiency and carbon capture and storage business lines. Sargsyan is also overseeing clean energy investments financed by various climate funds. During his 15 years of experience at the World Bank he has led energy and infrastructure programs in India, Russia, Sri-Lanka, Maldives, Armenia, Georgia and worked in a number of other countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Prior to joining the Bank, he worked as a manager in various private and public sector organizations. He has been the author and co-author of a number of publications and papers in the area of clean energy and infrastructure finance. He has MS in applied math, and PhD (ABD) in economics.
- Gevorg Sargsyan
- Martha Ekkert
Deputy Head of Division “International and External Energy Policy, Multilateral Cooperation in Energy, Energy Cooperation with Industrialized Countries”, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy - Martha Ekkert is part of the international and external energy policy team within the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy since 2014. In the team she is responsible for energy issues in multilateral fora such as G7, G20 and other international organizations. In 2015 she was primarily responsible for the G7 Energy Ministers Meeting under the German G7 Presidency.
From 2011 – 2013 Martha Ekkert worked in the international renewable energy policy team within the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, being responsible for the multilateral organisations and forums in the context of renewable energies such as REN21 and Clean Energy Ministerial as well as the bilateral cooperation with South East Asia.
- Martha Ekkert
- Tim Buckley
Director Energy Finance Studies, Australasia,
Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) - Tim Buckley has 25 years financial markets experience, mainly in Australia, but also with time covering global and Asian equity markets. Tim provides financial analysis in the seaborne coal and electricity sectors for IEEFA, studying renewable energy, energy efficiency across Australia, China and India, and the resulting risk of stranded fossil fuel assets in Australia.
From 1998 to 2007 he held the position of Managing Director at Citigroup, and was Head of Australasian Equity Research from 2001. Tim was Head of Research for Deutsche Bank based in Singapore for 1996-1998. Tim was a highly rated conglomerates equity analyst for a decade prior to Singapore, culminating in being rated Australia’s top Industrial Analyst.
- Tim Buckley
- Masaaki Kameda
Secretary General,
Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA) - 1985 Researcher, R&D headquarters, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
2006 President, Sanyo Solar LLC,
2009 Technology and Public relationship manager, Secretariat, JPEA
2014 Manager, Eco solutions Company of Panasonic group
2015 Secretary General, JPEA
- Masaaki Kameda
- Manabu Takamoto
President, Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) - Born in Kumamoto Prefecture, Manabu Takamoto graduated in Electrical Engineering from Kyushu University and in April 1980 obtained a position with Hitachi Ltd and was assigned to the Kokubu Plant where he worked on the development of power distribution equipment, in particular gas insulated switchgear (GIS) including 1,100kV gas circuit breakers. He served in senior positions with Hitachi Works and the Electrical Systems Division before being appointed General Manager, Renewable Energy Solutions Division, Energy Solutions Company in April 2015. His work on wind power includes joint projects between Hitachi and Fuji Heavy Industries and promoting the development of a 5MW offshore downwind turbine system. Since May 2014, he has been President of the Japan Wind Power Association.
- Manabu Takamoto
- Seiya Yamazaki
Director, Green Solution Promotion Department,
Corporate Environmental Strategy Unit, Fujitsu Limited - Seiya Yamazaki joined Fujitsu in 1996. He was engaged in the development of mobile communication system. He has worked in Corporate Environmental Strategy Unit since 2004. He was mainly engaged in promoting environmental communication and planning of environmental strategy. From 2013, he is driving new business related in environment. He is Professional Engineer, Japan (category; Environment).
- Seiya Yamazaki
- Toshimitsu Fujiki
Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE),
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan - Toshimitsu Fujiki entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), in 1988 and served in various capacities in the General Affairs Section of the Director’s Secretariat of the Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (SME). After serving in managerial posts in the Toyama Prefectural government between 2005 and 2008, he returned to the SME Director’s Secretariat. After a period with the Minister’s Secretariat in 2009, from 2010 to 2013 he occupied a series of executive positions in the Industrial Machinery Division of the Manufacturing Industries Bureau, the Corporate Affairs Division and the Economic and Industrial Policy Division of the Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau. In 2014 he became Director of the Policy Planning and Coordination Division in the Minister’s Secretariat, and in 2015 he was appointed to his current position.
- Toshimitsu Fujiki
- Dimitri Pescia
Dimitri Pescia is Senior Associate at Agora Energiewende, a leading German think-tank in the field of energy transformation focusing on the power sector. He previously worked for the French Department of Economic Affairs – international network of the Treasury – at the French Embassy in Berlin from 2008 to 2013. Head of section Energy, he worked to reinforce the French-German bilateral cooperation and conducted numerous studies about the German energy, environment and raw material policies. From 2005 to 2007 he worked as a scientific policy officer for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with a focus on energy efficiency, transportation and engineering. Native French speaker, Dimitri Pescia holds a Master of Science in Physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and an Imperial College London International Diploma.
- Dimitri Pescia
- Jeremy Leggett
Founding Director, Solarcentury Chairman, Carbon Tracker Initiative - Jeremy Leggett is founder and chairman of Solarcentury (1997-present), the UK’s largest independent solar electric company which designs, manufactures and installs solar building products and installs large solar farms, and founder and Chairman of SolarAid (2006 – present), an African solar-lighting social enterprise set up with some of Solarcentury’s profits, whose social venture brand SunnyMoney is Africa’s top-selling retailer of solar lanterns. He is also Chairman of Carbon Tracker, a financial think-tank warning of a systemic carbon-asset-bubble threat to capital markets. He has convened various industry groups warning of systemic oil and climate risks to economies, and is a consultant on systemic risk to major corporations.
- Jeremy Leggett
- Klaus Rave
Chairman, Global Wind Energy Council - A lawyer by training, Klaus Rave is one of the leading wind power experts in Europe. He served as a head of department of energy with the state Government of Schleswig-Holstein from 1988 to 1995 and as managing director of the Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein from 1995-2011. He has been involved in financing wind power since the first project in 1991. Prof. Rave has been a member of German Wind Energy Federation (FGW) since 1988, representing the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) board since 1994, President of EWEA from 1999 until 2002, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Windkraft Nord AG (WKN), member of the Supervisory Board of the engineering company ESN, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University of Applied Sciences in Flensburg and chairman of the company, WindEnergie Zirkel Hanse. He was awarded the honorary title of Professor by Flensburg University of Applied Sciences in December 2013, where he will be involved in their Wind Master course for international students.
- Klaus Rave
- Hiroshi Takahashi
Senior Research Fellow,
Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF)
Professor, Tsuru University - Hiroshi Takahashi specializes in electricity system reform, public policy and local autonomy. He has actively been participating in the policy formation of Japan’s electricity system reform and renewable energy deployment as a Member of Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy as well as Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office. He obtained doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo and master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and currently serves as Professor at Tsuru University. His former career includes Product Planner at Sony Corporation, Deputy Director at IT Policy Office of Cabinet Secretariat, Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo, and Research Fellow at Fujitsu Research Institute.
He is the author of “Market Liberalization of Electric Utilities” published by Nihon Keizai Shinbun Shuppan-sha.
- Hiroshi Takahashi
- Nadia Horstmann
Head of Section, International Coordination Energy,
Department of International Coordination
Federal Network Agency, Germany - Nadia Horstmann is responsible for international coordination and regulatory activities for energy, as well as the preparation, analysis and presentation of position papers on cross-border issues. She represents the Federal Network Agency within the Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER) on cross-border issues. An expert on business and contract law, she lectures on European and Institutional law at a number of universities including the University of Osnabrück and the Ecole Nationale d´Administration (ENA, Strasbourg). She also serves as chair of the Legal Task Force of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and is chair of CEER’s European Policy Unit overseeing legislative and regulatory issues. She is also alternate within the Board of Appeal of the Agency for the Cooperation of energy regulators.
- Nadia Horstmann
- Shouhe Zhao
Chief Representative, Japan Representative Office,
State Grid Corporation of China - Shouhe Zhao joined in State Grid Corporation of China in 1994 and has been focusing on international cooperation. Before he took the present position in 2015 he was division director of International Cooperation Department in charge of M&A in Europe and Australia market since 2012. He served as Assistant Chief Representative of State Grid Europe Representative Office in 2011. From 2006 to 2011 he was president of State Grid CETIC International Hydropower Development Company (Phnom Penh), responsible for two hydropower plants development in Cambo
- Shouhe Zhao
- Hisahito Endo
Executive Vice President, OCCTO - Hisahito Endo graduated from Yokohama National University, School of Engineering in 1985. In the same year, he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation and engaged in research and development of communication energy and smart grid. In 2008, he was transferred to ENNET Corporation and held the positions of Director of Corporate Planning Department and General Manager of Marketing Headquarter. He served as a member of Working Group on System Design of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy and Subcommittee on Purchase System, and was involved in system design for Electricity System Reform and FIT. He retired from ENNET Corporation in March 2015 and was appointed to this position in April 2015
- Hisahito Endo
- Hiroshi Okamoto
Managing Executive Officer, TEPCO - Hiroshi Okamoto obtained BS, MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Tokyo in 1988, 1990 and 1993, respectively.
He has worked for TEPCO on management of bulk transmission technologies, renewable integration, smart grid and regulatory affairs of electricity market reform. Currently, he is in charge of the innovation and research strategy for growth of the company.
Okamoto is member of Advisory Committee on Transmission and Distribution of International Electro-technical Commission (IEC/ACTAD) and former regular member of CIGRE SC C5, member of IEEE.
- Hiroshi Okamoto
- Tomas Kåberger
Executive Board Chair,
Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF)
Professor, Chalmers University, Sweden - Tomas Kåberger currently spends a quarter of his time in Japan as Executive Board Chairman of the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation. Academically, he got an MSc in Engineering Physics, a PhD in Physical Resource Theory, and Docent in Environmental Science at Chalmers. He has been professor in International Sustainable Energy Systems at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, and he is currently Professor of Industrial Energy Policy at Chalmers University of Technology and serves as Distinguished Visiting Expert of bio-energy technology at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou.
Industrially, he has had leading roles in companies providing fuels and technology in the bio-energy industry, another company developing sustainable energy solutions for the automotive industry, and a company operating wind power plants. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Vattenfall, and the board of Industrifonden, an industrial investment foundation. Politically, he has served on board of Swedish and European Environmental Citizen’s organizations, several Swedish Government Commit tees developing energy and environmental legislation, and China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development as a member of a task force on Low-Carbon Industrialization Strategies. From 2008 until 2011 he was Director General of the National Swedish Energy Agency.
- Tomas Kåberger
- Takejiro Sueyoshi
Vice-Executive Board Chair, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF) - Takejiro Sueyoshi was born on January 3, 1945 in Kagoshima, Japan.
After graduating from Tokyo University, he joined the Mitsubishi Bank (the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ) in 1967 and worked for the bank until 1998.
During his years with Nikko Asset Management as Deputy President, he was appointed as a member of the UNEP FI Steering Committee. In addition to the involvement in the UNEP FI activities in the Asia Pacific Region, he is giving many educational speeches about environmental problems and CSR/SRI in various government councils, seminars, universities and TV programs. He is a Trustee member of Carbon Disclosure Project. He was a member of the Council for Japan’s Prime Minister on Climate Change Policy.
His publications includes “Ondanka Kogi (A lecture on Global Warming)”(Toyo Keizai), “Yugai Rensa (Chain of Harmfulness)”(Gentousha), “Green New Deal”(Editor, Kankyou Shinbun), “Saishin CSR Jijyo( The Newest Book on CSR)”(Hokuseido).
- Takejiro Sueyoshi
- Teruyuki Ohno
Executive Director, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF) - Before joining JREF in August 2013, Teruyuki Ohno served as the Director General of the Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, for three years, covering a broad range of environmental issues including energy, climate change, waste management, pollution control, natural environment, and sustainable development. His notable achievements include reducing air pollution and PM emissions through “No Dirty Diesel Vehicle Strategy in Tokyo”, and implementing Japan’s first Cap-and-Trade Program in Tokyo in 2008, involving the industries and building a grand consensus. His active leadership in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency has formed the foundation of Tokyo’s energy policy. He was awarded Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards by California Air Resources Board in 2014. His latest publication is "Energy Strategies of Municipality Governments" (Iwanami, 2013, Japanese). He also serves as part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and a member of Seoul International Energy Advisory Council (SIEAC).
- Teruyuki Ohno
- Mika Ohbayashi
Director, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF) - Mika Ohbayashi is a founding member and Director at Japan Renewable Energy Foundation since August 2011. Before joining the foundation, Ohbayashi worked for International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi as Policy and Project Regional Manager for Asia Oceania. She served as Deputy Director at Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies for 8 years since its establishment in 2000. She also worked for UKFCO at the British Embassy to Japan, as Advisor for Climate Change Projects and Policies before joining IRENA, and started her carrier in the energy field by joining Citizens' Nuclear Information Center in 1992. She coordinates many scientific study projects, takes leadership to team up various networks including national parliamentarians and local authorities, domestically and internationally to improve sustainable energy society.
- Mika Ohbayashi
- Events
- Renewable energy
- Future of Power Business with Interconnections in Asia
Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF)
REvision 2016 Realizing the Opportunities Speakers
9 March 2016