アジア国際送電網 ―北東アジアで実現するために―  登壇者紹介

  • 大野 輝之
    自然エネルギー財団 常務理事
    東京大学経済学部卒。1979年 東京都入庁。都市計画局、政策報道室などを経て、1998年より環境行政に関わる。「ディーゼル車NO作戦」の企画立案、「温室効果ガスの総量削減と排出量取引制度」の導入など、国に先駆ける東京都の環境政策を牽引した。省エネルギーの推進と自然エネルギーの導入を図る数々の施策を産業界の合意を形成して実現、都のエネルギー政策の根幹を作る。2010年7月から3年間、環境局長を努める。2013年7月に東京都を退職。2013年11月より現職。東京大学非常勤講師。ソウル国際エネルギー諮問委員会委員。2014年、カリフォルニア州からハーゲンシュミット・クリーンエア賞を受賞。著書に 『自治体のエネルギー戦略』、『都市開発を考える』(ともに岩波新書)、『現代アメリカ都市計画』(学芸出版社)など。
  • ホン・ジュン
    韓国エネルギー研究所 副所長
    Heon Jung received Ph.D. in Chem. E. from Washington State University in 1991 and started his carrier as a researcher at University of Pittsburgh and visiting researcher at PNNL. He joined Korean Institute of Energy Research (KIER) in 2005 as a Head of Conversion Process Research Team. Before appointed to his current position as a Vice President in 2014, Dr. Jung was as a Head of Synfuel Research Center, Head of Clean Fossil Fuel Research Center, Head of Clean Fuel Research Department, and Director of New & Renewable Energy Division. He also served as a Korean Representative of the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Cleaner Fossil Energy Task Force between 2006 and 2010. His research areas are Coal to Liquids (CTL) process development, Hydrogen generation catalyst, and NOx control catalyst.
  • ヨンギル・ソン
    韓国国会議員・大統領諮問北方経済協力委員会 委員長
  • デムチグジャフ・チィメドルジ
    モンゴル エネルギー省 エネルギー企画局長
    Chimeddorj Demchigjav serves as Director General of Policy Planning Department at the Ministry of Energy. Previously, he was CEO of Thermal Power Plant -3. An electrical engineer with 32 years of experience, he began his career at TPP-4. He served as senior dispatcher and CEO of the National Dispatch Center from 2001-2006. He holds MSc in Power System Engineering and graduated from Strayer University, Virginia US with MSc of Information Systems.
  • 趙 守和
    グローバル・エネルギー・インターコネクション発展協力機構(GEIDCO)日本事務所 所長
    Shouhe Zhao joined in State Grid Corporation of China in 1994 and has been focusing on international cooperation. He was division director of International Cooperation Department in charge of M&A in Europe and Australia market since 2012. He served as Assistant Chief Representative of State Grid Europe Representative Office in 2011. From 2006 to 2011 he was president of State Grid CETIC International Hydropower Development Company (Phnom Penh), responsible for two hydropower plants development in Cambodia. Since 2015, he is a Chief Representative, Japan Representative Office, State Grid Corporation of China.
  • ヨンジン・ワン
    韓国電力公社 副社長
    Young-jin Won, who is an Executive Vice President and Chief Construction Officer in KEPCO, has over thirty years of experience in electric power industry since 1982. He is an expert at power grid planning, design and operation. He played a leading role for the stability of electric power supply by the design, construction and operation of reliable power grid.
    Now he is preparing other big projects for the environment and human-friendly power grid planning and making an effort to build advanced power grid utilizing new technologies such as HVDC, superconducting device, energy storage system. Dr. Won is carrying forward the super grid business in an effort to stabilize domestic power supply and develop a new growth driver.
  • 三輪 茂基
    ソフトバンクグループCEOプロジェクト室長 / SBエナジー 代表取締役社長
    1991年、三井物産(株)入社、東京・シドニー・ブリスベンに駐在。主に資源・エネルギー開発投資案件に従事。2011年、ソフトバンク(株)入社、経営戦略室 室長に就任。その後、2012年8月、SBエナジー(株)取締役副社長、10月、Clean Energy Asia LLC取締役(兼任)、2013年、Bloom Energy Japan(株)代表取締役社長(兼任)、2014年4月、ソフトバンク(株)社長室 室長、6月、公益財団法人 自然エネルギー財団 理事(兼任)、2016年2月、ソフトバンクグループ(株) CEOプロジェクト室 室長、2017年10月、SBエナジー(株)代表取締役社長に就任。
    早稲田大学第一文学部史学科(西洋史)卒、豪州国立マッコーリー大学経営大学院財務管理学修士(MFinMgmt)・経営学修士(MBA)、ハーバードビジネススクールGeneral Management Program(GMP)修了。
  • サンヒョプ・キム
    コーリション・フォー・アワ・コモン・フューチャー 代表
    Sang-Hyup Kim is the chairman of Coalition for Our Common Future and a visiting professor at Graduate School of Green Growth, College of Business, KAIST. Prior to joining the KAIST (2013), Mr. Kim worked at the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea from 2008 as the Secretary for National Future and Vision, where he contributed in setting the historic “Low Carbon Green Growth” vision for Korea. In 2011, he became the Senior Secretary to the President for Green Growth, coordinating the planning, developing, and implementing Korea’s Green Growth strategy. He served as a member of the Global Agenda Council of World Economic Forum and now he serves as a co-chairman of Jeju Green Big Bang Committee.
  • ギルソー・ヤン
    高麗大学 教授
    Gilsoo Jang received his BE and MS degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea University and Ph. D. from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University in U.S in 1997. He was a visiting scientist at the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University from 1997 to 1998, a senior researcher at Power Systems Lab., Korea Electric Power Research Institute from 1998 to 2000, and a visiting associate professor of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University in U.S, from 2006 to 2007.
    Prof. Jang has been a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University since 2000, and served as an Associate Dean for College of Engineering, Korea University from 2011 to 2013.
    He has actively participated in academic societies as a journal editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He published more than 100 journal papers. His interests are in power system dynamics and controls, DC technology applications in power system engineering, integration of renewable energy resources, and power quality.
  • ボー・ノーマーク
    自然エネルギー財団 上級政策アドバイザー
    Bo Normark has More than 35 years of industrial experience in including development, design, project management and global management of the Power Systems business including Smartgrid Technologies such as FACTS and HVDC. During his time in ABB he was also responsible for strategy and business development including how smart electrical grinds could be an enabler for building a more efficient and clean energy system.
    He currently serves as;
    - Member of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA),
    - Thematic Leader for Smart Grids and Electric Storage in KIC Innoenergy, a EU engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy,
    - Member of the Research Board, Swedish Energy Agency
    - Board Member in the Swedish National Grid Company
  • アリ・イザディ
    Ali Izadi oversees an analyst team focused on the emerging field of intelligent mobility. The team produces analysis on business models, technologies and policies related to ride hailing, car sharing and autonomous driving. Previously He led the analysis team responsible for Japan and Korea's energy markets.
    Ali’s prior experience includes working at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and the fuel cell manufacturer, Ballard Power Systems. Ali has an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics and a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and a Doctorate in Materials Science from Meijo University.
  • ジンソー・ソン
    新羅大学 教授
    Jinsoo Song graduated in electrical engineering and received his Ph.D degree from Korea University. He was a special research fellow at Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) from 1979~2013. During the period, he joined Argonne National Lab in 1979 as a visiting researcher and University of Minnesota as a visiting scholar in 1986. He became a distinguished professor at Silla University in 2014.
    Previously, he was in charge of the president of Korean Society for New & Renewable Energy (KSNRE) and the president of Korean Photovoltaic Society (KPVS). He was also a Korean representative of IEA-PVPS, IEC-TC82, and has been a member of advisory committee for international; conferences such as IEEE PVPS, EU-PVSEC, Int’l PVSEC and WCPEC.
    Prof. Song is currently a co-chairperson at the Int’l Consortium for Super Grid in Northeast Asia.
  • 高橋 洋
    都留文科大学 教授
    1993年東京大学法学部卒。同年ソニー株式会社入社。1999年タフツ大学フレッチャー大学院修了(法律外交修士)。2000年内閣官房IT担当室主幹。2007年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了(学術博士)。同年東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任助教を経て、2009年より富士通総研主任研究員、2015年4月より都留文科大学社会学科教授(現職)。専門は公共政策論・電力システム改革、行政学・地方自治論。経済産業省・総合資源エネルギー調査会委員、大阪府市特別参与、内閣府参与、農林水産省・今後の農山漁村における再生可能エネルギー導入のあり方に関する検討会委員などを歴任。

  • フィリップ・リーナー
    The Strategy for North East Asia Power System Interconnection (NAPSI) is a project by ADB which the proposed policy and advisory technical assistance will prepare a strategy for Northeast Asia Power System interconnection using Mongolia's abundant renewable energy. Philippe Lienhart, a Strategy, Innovation and New Business Manager of Power System and Transmission Engineering Centre (CIST), Electricité de France (EDF), leads the consulting team with his wide experience of over 35 years in the fields of electric power System, Transmission and Markets as well as a manager and an expert.
  • サンミン・ナム
    国際連合アジア太平洋経済社会委員会北東アジア事務所(UNESCAP-ENEA) 副所長
    Sang-Min Nam is the Deputy Head and Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office since July 2013, and coordinates the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC). Prior to taking up the current assignment, he served as Environmental Affairs Officer at the UNESCAP Headquarters and ENEA Office since early 2005. Before joining the UN, he taught at Hanyang University in Seoul, served as an expert member of the Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development and the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative of the Republic of Korea, respectively, and worked with Green Korea United, a leading environmental NGO in the ROK, as a founding member and programme and policy manager.
  • ジェヨン・ユン
    韓国電力技術研究所(KERI) 高度電力システム研究主席
    Jae Young Yoon has been with KERI since 1987 and working on electromagnetic transient analysis and power system planning using EMTP type program. Based on engineering concept, he has been studied the power system interconnection in terms of technical and economic feasibility between Northeast Asian countries including North Korea since 1998. He has been managing several projects on power cooperation between neighboring countries, Russia, China and Japan. He made some reports on power interconnection study results and an author of several papers published in KIEE and IEEE transactions.
  • 大林 ミカ
    自然エネルギー財団 事業局長
  • 大井 央久
    アジア開発銀行 東アジア局エネルギー課 シニア・エネルギー・スペシャリスト

